For those who are searching for Ori Genuine Alternators now come a special package
1.Alternators 80-90 amp
2.Ori Dayco high temp Alternator Belt.
For my adviced pls dont fix
RECOND ALTERNATORS as it will affect your Spectra Performance and short circuit ur TCU,ECU, Main Fused Box via engine and sec fused box under the dashboard.
Offer is very limited and need more detail can reach me sms/call at 017-7200466 , 013-7849798.
Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman Spectra saya mengalami enjin tiba tiba mati,ingatkn battery dh out!. Terus tukar yg baru, malah beberapa minggu tiba tiba kereta sy tersenggok2 lalu enjin mati. Bawa ke workshop ( x kenali) nyatakn alternator kaput. Terus tukar tanpa selidik ,byr 6xx lebih untuk parts dan upah.
Malang nya lepas guna 2 bulan lebih enjin saya mati lg. Bawa workshop (s. Center )mengatakn alternator dan battery dh rosak. Huhh bil yg kena 1,xxx....
Alhamdullilah setakat 5 bulan ,kereta sy elok je.
So kawan kawan harap dpt bertanya pd org yg arif ttg perkara tersebut spt dlm blog yg penuh info ini. Syabas.
Slm spectraania,
ReplyDeleteTqvm, mmg betul apa yg u tulis, kita mesti ambil berat atau perihatin parts apa yg wokshop tu pasang dan inspect ketulenan nya. Ramai spectran yg alami situasi ini ,malah banyak duit keluar dan masa juga.
So sekiranya spectran members ada apa2 masaalah boleh rujuk dlm forum/ blog ni. Insyaalah sedia mmbantu. Wasalam.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, as i to faced this problems 2 times replacing alternator within 6 months
Well to all Spectrans who face the alternators faulty should Aware n replaced only ori/ genuine parts where its VOLTAGE & AMPHERES followed our specifications need. This will eventually prevent any low charging which could affect yr TCU,ECU, and sensors too.
ReplyDeleteNow there's a special package whilst stock last. Sms/ call 013-7849798 or 017-7200466.