Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tempreture @ spectra genuine parts

Salam Spectrans,

The picture above indicates all the tempreture system for Kia Spectra.
All u had to do is to have service maintenance or replacement just to make sure ur Spectra is Running Cools prevent from OVERHEATING. As mostly part of it also related to each other like

1.Radiator Motor Fan assy
2.Air cond motor fan assy
3. Thermostat
4.Thermo housing
5.Radiator hose
6.Radiator cap
7.coolant either red or blue (MOTUL)
8.Temp switch sensor
9.Water pump assy with gasket
10.PCV valve /hose/throttle body hose assy

All of the above plays an important parts on our temp system.
Another important info pls dont ever used air cond/radiator motor fan which is not genuine as many spectrans include me getting
1.Either burnt fuse
2.Short circuit on the main fuse box floor circuits.
3.More worst it will melts down all the 4 huge sockets that link to the engine getting burnt..$$$$$$

So if anyone come across overheats and need ori parts replacements can contact/sms 017-7200466 013-7849798 for more informations and delivery. wasalam

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Liqui Moly

Salam To all Spectrans dan Selamat Berpuasa...

Gambar diatas adalah minyak Engine Oil  dari Liqui Moly serta dengan Liqui Moly treatment additives MOS 2.
This superb oil is made from Germany and it really gives smooth and quite down our engine especially our ring latch from giving unusual noise during morning starts. This proof that once u blend the treatment ( MOS 2) it really gives u
1.High durable lubrication on all parts on internal engine.
2.High operations on extreme heat  to secure all optimum wear and tear
3.Definately u will ensure the engine noise will run quietly.
4.Reduces the consumption of oil and fuel.

So those Spectrans who had used this outstanding oil for the first time , will want to continued to used it as it really smooth our engine running esp high speed and long distance travel.
If anyone need to try this oil and treatment ,kindly reach me at 013-7849798 or 017-7200466.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Faulty Fuse Box

Picture above showed the main fuse box is dismantle ,to identifiied the caused why the air cond is totally dead.

The second picture shows after the harness wires socket being detached (white socket) from the the bottom of  main fuse box ,finally managed to find the main problem.

Finally the burnt socket shown above dark brown indicates why the air cond switch cant ONN . Why? it happen ......
As if un come across like this when switch on the aircond vials at no 1-2-3-4 no airn cond ONN.
If u switch to 1 o 2 no air cond but switch to 3 - 4 air blow onn , indicates other problems. need more details can called me 013-7849798 otr 017-7200466.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Offer package for coming Raya festival

Salam spectras,

Nak info special package on service maintenance on Spectra :-

1. Timing belt replacement package.
2. Tempreture system package full kit.
3. Auto gear transmission full flushing package.
4. Brake system service package.
5. Shocks absorber replacement package.
6. Engine mounting replacement package
7. Engine oil ( liqui moly)+ oil filter + air filter service package.
8. Driveshafts/ cv joint / cv boot service package.
9. Air cond service maintenance.

For kl/ selangor/ jb , free delivery.
Recommends our appointed workshops specialized in spectra cars/ reasonable labour charged n excellent workmanship.

Need assistance n details can reach @ 013-7849798 / 017-7200466 / 019-7833001.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Spectra @ engine electrical systems

Salam Spectrans, Just nak info about our part of Spectra electrical system that supply entire current from our ignition coil assy  via our starter (1840) via plug cord cable assy (3) thru our spark plugs (2) into the cylinder head block.
Another things the correct current path setting configuration should be in corect sequence on where the plug cable cord should be planted it via ignition coil  bolt and plug cord, as showm on figure no (3).

As our Black cable plug cord wwhich diameter  only 6mm (black) will always face by spectrans :-
1. Leaking current via its rubber pvc jacket crack, due to extreme heat
2. Crack in the internal cords (carbon) that results car jerks, shivering while accelerations as ure on 3 cylinder instead of 4 cylinder. This is because the current supply or flow is insufficient to glow our spark plug in consistence manner...hence u will notice car like no power and jerking when pedal the gas.

Dear Spectrans, This is the solutions on how to overcome plug cords leaking current as Photo shown above is " #3 pin Core each cable ,10.2mm double layer silicone jacket (red) high temp ,performance plug cable cords specially made for KIA SPECTRA.

Its superb and high voltage current flows which tremendously ignites our Spark Plug ** to have a clean full combustion that leads no carbon deposited in the long run..Result engine is clean.
I had used this plugs cords for years and its proven lasting and trouble free. Instant feedback will occurs as:-
1. U will feel the RPM moves faster and consistence.
2. As u pedal the gas ,get instant power and pick up accelerations.
3.For long distance drive u managed to get good fuel consumptions due to gd lean combustions.
Really advice members to  used it and for those spectrans had try it will say its superb!!!. can reach me for more details and delivery at 013-7849798 or 017-7200466. Its simple and its D.I.Y. as illustrates in the diagram above.

Further more I will intro these superb ,high performance Spark Plugs (no.3) which is compatible with the 10.2mm plug cable cord. It can last up to 50k km( 2-3 yrs) of usage as the electrodes is made from 0.4mm IRIDIUM.
Normal plugs is main made from copper which will easily worn out due to weak conductor of heat, followed by Platinum plugs electrodes. the sequence is like :-

1.Copper - 2. Platinum 3- IRIDIUM 4- SILVER.......electrodes.
Pls be aware theres are immitation plugs, recycle plugs lots in our market. Go for Ori Japan Denso Iridium plugs only. Need more detail and ordered can contact 013-7849798.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Function and Important of Fuel Filter @ Spectra

Salam Spectrans,

The picture showed above is " Ori Fuel Filter"

The main function of a fuel filter is to filter out, or trap, debris particles and/or contaminants from flowing fuel. Fuel filters are a common addition to automotive engines, where they are placed in varied locations between a car's fuel tank and its fuel injection system. Fuel filters ensure that gasoline entering a car's engine is as clean and pure as possible.

Basically, it must be replace every 20k km or earliar as depends on ur driving condition

So spectrans who need this genuine parts can contact me for order as the price is not expensive ,as it will protect ur fuel lines, fuel pump and most of all to prevent clogged on yr FUEL INJECTOR..
Can reach me @ 013-7849798 or 017-7200466. wasalam.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Spectra info

Salam spectrans,

Lately this month lots of spectrans having problems such as:-

1. Faulty Alternator
2. Timing Belt breaks / slips.
3. Brake systems faulty main causes uneven brake pads/ rotor disc/ faulty pin sliders.
4. Overheats due to faulty water pump/ thermostat jammed/ radiator tank clogged or leaks etc
5. Faulty driveshafts / faulty cv joints/ cv boot crack
6. Faulty gearbox mostly never done full flushing.

Need assistance dont hesitate to contact @ 013—7849798 / 012-7200466 / 019-7833001. For details n genuine parts.wasalam.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

When Timing Belts Breaks or Slips @ Kia Spectra

Salam Spectrans Dan Pengguna Spectran yg baru beli kereta.
Ini adalah hakikat nya jika tidak peka ttg penjagaan,masa untuk menukar Timing Belt Spectra ini.
Mmg banyak perbelanjaan jika keadaan internal engine kita terjadi seperti gambar tersebut diatas.

Gambar gambar ini saya dapat dari semua members spectran yg mengalami Timing Belt putus dan slip.
Punca berlaku nya insiden ini ada lah kebanyakkan ber mula dari

1. Tidak mengguna Parts yg Asli dan tulin.
2. Tidak mengikut atau  membuat maintenance service bila belt ini harus di tukar.
3. Ada workshop hanya menukar Tali Timing Belt sahaja tanpa menukar full kit nya seperti Ori Tensioner Bearing/ Idler pulley bearing/ oil seals / alternator dan air cond belt bahagian luaran nya.
4. Tidak menghiraukan keadaan timing belt tensioner bearing telah berbunyi ,bearing dah kasar chit..chit..chit dan rpm timing x sekata.

Seperti mana yang saya nyatakan ,gambar diatas menunujukkan sistem timing belt baru di pasang.
Jenama Ori Dayco Timing Belt Full kit. Ia datang dalam satu package :-
1. Ori High Temp Dayco Timing Belt - 1 pc
2. Heavy duty Tensioner Bearing - 1pc
3. Heavy duty Idler Pulley Bearing - 1pc
4. Engine Oil Seals - 3pcs
5. Ori Dayco Alternator Belt - 1pc
6. Ori Dayco Air Cond Belt - 1pc

Warranty setiap penukaran Belt tersebut ada lah 100k km. Ori kia hanya 60k km.

Ini adalah Cylinder Head Block, kebanyakkan spectran yg putus timing belt akan mengalami head crack atau ada yg pecah akibat pemanduan kereta dalam keadaan high speed.Impak nya cukup kuat....
Ini adalah parts yg paling bawah yg menjana piston kita turun naik iaitu CRANKSHAFT.
Dari Crankshaft - Connecting Rod - Piston adalah 3 serangkai.... Punca crankshaft kita bengkok atau lari dari balancer nya adalah di sebabkan high speed driving melebihi 140kmh. Ini ada lah salah seorang member spectran yg saya belikan akibat pemanduan @ 160kmh perbelanjaan cukup besar.....

Kepada sesiapa yg mengalami putus Timng Belt harap bersabar ,jgn tergopoh gapah untuk hantar pd workshop begitu sahaja. Apa yang saya selalu nasihat adalah kita mesti
1. Hantar pada workshop yg boleh dipercayai, tahu selok belok engine spectra.
2. Jangan lepas tangan 100% pd workshop, ikut apa sahaja yg di suruh
3. Pastikan setiap parts di ganti menggunakan parts yg ASLI ,bukan used parts atau parts murah.(Buatan Cina)

Ini tips yang anda patut buat:-
1. Hantar pd workshop yg bertauliah
2. Buat perjanjian apa apa parts yg rosak hendaklah di maklumkan dahulu.
3. Bila dah buka engine ambil gambar ,mana mana parts yg rosak teruk,seperti piston,head block dan sebagainya.
4. List down nama parts yang perlu di ganti atau tuikar.Pastikan kita dapat membelinya sendiri dari supplier yang tulen.

Dengan cara ini kita dapat menghindar unwanted HIDDEN CHARGES ( pd parts) yg akan di kenakan bayaran pd kita. As saya dapati dari pengalaman member yg telah hubungi saya contoh nya, Workshop A akan buat taksir dari 6K-7K  untuk baik pulih major overhaul, Workshop B akan taksir 4K-6K tidak pasti dan tertakluk pada tahap teruk nya engine kita yg rosak....Bila saya assists member dengan meminta senarai parts yg rosak , kita hanya belanja lebih kurang +-3,500-00 parts dan labour charged. Dengan cara ini kita dapat jimat 30-40% dari budget yg sepatutnya.

Jika member yg tinggal area KL/Selangor saya ada satu workshop yg mahir buat major overhauled dan setakat tahun ini 4 spectran telah selesai dan puas hati dengan workmanship nya. Akhir sekali yg buat full overhauled adalah Puan Azizah dari Sg Buloh. Insyaallah sampai sekarang Spectra beliau enugine mcm baru kerana beliau telah membuat full refurbished dengan new ori parts dari segi sensors,throttle body dan engine...Mmg padat dan power siap dengan 10.2mm silicone plug cable etc etc...
Sekiranya inginkan pandangan dan pendapat boleh lah hubungi saya @ 013-7849798 / 017-7200466 / 019-7833001 bila bila masa insyaallah.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Timing belt

Slm pd semua Spectran dan newbies,

Semenjak kebelakang ni, sy menerima beberapa panggilan phone menyatakn Timing belt putus,ada yang x sampai 20k km dh putus, ada yg belt slip dimana t.belt terkeluar dr salah satu drpd twin pulley.ini semua akibat parts yg tidak asli,tiada mutu kuality dimana kita menanggung beribu ringgit untuk buat full major overhaul.

Jadi saya harap semua spectran agar berhati hati supaya menjaga service maintenance ( jadual) bila patut masa tiba untuk replacement timig belt.
Dlm blog ni sy selalu rekomen member spectran supaya cuba guna Ori Timing belt jenama Dayco buatandr negara Eropah. Penggunaan waranti sehingga 100k km, terbukti cukup menakjubkan.

Sesiapa yg ingin mencuba ori Dayco timing belt boleh hubung sy di talian
Hp 017-7200466 / 013-7849798 / 019- 7833001 untuk pertayaan lebih detail dan tempahan. Insyaallah mmg sesuai untuk Spectra. Wasalam