Friday 25 May 2012

Ori Genuine Air Vent Grilled via front Dashboard (Spectra)

Salam Spectrans,

Anyone need this ori Genuine Air Vent Grille comes in one pair left and right. As most spectrans will be having crack air vent grille due to exposed to extreme heats. As a result the grilled will tends to bent in due time and brittles. Once it crack the support part of the dashboard will make a huge bulging shape that will damage the original appearance. When the dashboard is badly damage it will cost money wise.$$$$$
To prevent the dashboard becomes worst pleased ensure u  replaced the air vent grille at once.!!!

So Spectrans, anyone need this air vent grille as its very limited stock left, kindly sms/call me at 013-7849798 or 017-7200466 fr more details.Wasalam


  1. Salam...
    saya pakai kia spectra dan dashboard sy sudah kurang elok kerana tempat screw da byk yg pecah so awk tau x kat mana sy blh refurbish sy punya dashboard sbb org ckp harga yh baru blh thn jugak...

  2. W/salam bro,

    Untuk refurbished balik , firstly air vent grille anda dah patah x ? Klu patah boleh replaced kiri kanan, dan adjust balik dashboard anda level balik. Jenis dashboard spectra lembut dan di perbuat dr soft foam, boleh di lentur blk. Klu nk lebih terperinci boleh call sy at 013-7849798 or 017-7200466 bila bila masa.insyaallah boleh membantu.
